
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

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Friday, February 9, 2018

Vaporwave Is Back?! Introducing Hefe Heetroc...

Who is Hefe Heetroc you ask? Well... he is a music artist...

So his album / mixtape hybrid titled, (The Julie Project), is the album we chose to review today. Is from none other then Mr Hefe Heetroc from New Mexico, On his album he states, (The Julie Project) was an, "exercise in experimentation", Mr Heetroc says, his business partner of his studio Whyte Wulf Studios in NM, made an off handed comment / joke to Hefe, that he should record a trap album under the moniker "27 SAVAGE". After much thought. Well what turned from a joke into a reality is when he hit 1# on reverbnation on their local charts, and number 21# on their regional charts. "I was stunned at first seeing how high the album charted", Hefe says. He (Mr Heetroc's Business Partner) told Hefe maybe this might work. And they both developed a business model to generate multiple revenue streams. As the streams and plays were tallied, Hefe replied, "hmmm let me develop this further", As for his album? It was born from a simple off handed humorous concept. The lyrics for his project were a "collection of material written in Los Angeles & New Mexico, respectively, poetry, streams of thought, cut and paste poems." he also says via text.

For more info about Hefe Heetroc check out: