
Monday, January 27, 2020

Is the Grammys rigged?

According to Deborah Dugan, the suspended head of the Recording Academy, yes it is. She stated that the Grammys nomination process is rigged due to conflicts of interest. Although there are a lot of good people who work there, she says that there are a lot of things that are not right about the process and a few bad apples in the bunch. The problem is that those "bad apples" are the most powerful and influential individuals who can control the situation to meet their benefit.

She made these statements on "CBS This Morning" on Thursday January 22nd, stating, "In that room not only are there trustees that have conflicts of interest on particular artists that are nominated, but more importantly there are even artists that are nominated that are in the room. So for me that's just such a blatant conflict of interest." When she was asked if the process is rigged, Deborah Dugan replied, "Yes it is."

Check out the video below:

Diddy even called out the Grammys and demands immediate change:

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Power TV Show Leaks: Everyone thinks they know #WhoShotGhost

So by now you've heard that there are plenty of Power TV show leaks online going around everywhere. There are leaked clips of #WhoShotGhost, leaked episodes (the last two remaining), and even a leaked scene of the very end scene of Power that people think is "Power Book II: Ghost" ( floating around the internet which will feature Mary J. Blige and Method Man it has been reported about this spin-off is a sequel and not the prequel which will take viewers back in time to when Ghost, Tommy, and Angela were younger growing up and what all led to the end of Power as we will know it. According to 50 Cent, "Power Book II: Ghost" will start 48 hours later so that means there are at least two more shows coming (the sequel and the prequel). There has been talk of a show called "Power Book III: Raising Kanan" so that may be the prequel. The story is not over because we only received bits and pieces of everything that happened before we first met Ghost in season 1 episode 1 of Power. So "Power Book II: Ghost" is going to continue the story while Power Book III: Raising Kanan will fill in all the gaps to the back-story and give us further insight into the world Power and with a title like this we see that it is easy to break down the new show into stories of each character with the first being Ghost and the next being Kanan so there will most likely be other "Power Book" stories and there are talks of multiple spin-offs, prequels, and sequels. I guess we never know what to expect but this is definitely not the end of the road when it comes to Power so stay tuned!

If you would like to view video of the spoilers/leaks we will not be showing them for legal purposes but you can find them online in multiple places, even FaceBook and YouTube. (until they get taken down) However, we will tell you a few things as a teaser so if you do not want to know anything at all then please read no further.

So now that spoiler warning is out of the way, we will tell you that there are a few clips circulating. One is a clip that shows exactly who killed Ghost and who was inside of Club Truth when the incident occurred. It is not clear who exactly released this clip. The next clip was actually released by 50 Cent himself which showed a different person shooting a gun but it was not clear who they shot but the reason was revealed why they were pulling the trigger. Next you have the leaked last two episodes of Power which have been streamed online somehow and you get to see the full story-line play out. This is for those who do not want to wait and who have the patience to search for these streams because they are constantly being removed and taken down. By the way, the full episodes are of good quality but the short clips definitely were not of good quality. One YouTuber even goes as far as telling the entire plot story of what happens in the last two episodes of the TV show instead of showing the video footage if you want to hear what happens and not see it yet.

However, the question is, if these clips and episodes are the actual original story or if they are deleted scenes and alternate endings/story-lines? Some people even think that Ghost or someone else is dreaming and Ghost is still alive. The last season has been showing everyone's different perspective and series of events that led each individual to the end of their story within Power. However, there are only two episodes left and we've seen Dre's perspective, Paz's (Angela's sister) perspective, Tommy's perspective, and so we wonder whose perspective we will see in the last two episodes. It would make sense to see Tasha's and Tyriq's but we still have not seen Tate's or Cooper Saxe's. Will these perspectives all be combined within the last two episodes? Will Ghost get a funeral? Why is the hashtage #WhoShotGhost and not #WhoKilledGhost? So many questions but to get answers you just gotta watch. The real question is if what everyone is looking at now online is what is really going to be shown on TV during the last episodes or if they released these clips and episodes to throw people off of the truth?

In finally watching the leaked final episode we find that the clip we saw online is actually at the ending of Power and not leaked from a new/future show. In the 1 minute video clip of the scene found online (starting at 1hr:19min into the show and ending at 1hr:20min with the clock timer showing on the clip), it shows young Jamie/Ghost and Tommy as teenagers walking out of school. Tommy (wearing cornrows by the way) tells Jamie/Ghost that they gotta move this weight and that Kanan is going to be looking for them and Ghost tells Tommy that he is ready. The next thing you know, Jamie/Ghost stops walking and Angela approaches him and he asks her about a course catalogue she is holding with her books of the Choate school in Connecticut. Angela asks Jamie/Ghosts if he has ever thought about getting out of town and he replies, "All the time". Next thing you know, Tommy bursts through walking in between them both cursing and not wanting to stick around for anymore of their conversation. Next Angela asks Jamie/Ghost how he likes Tommy and he replies by brushing that questions off and asking Angela to tell him more about the school she is thinking of attending. It pans away as they talk and the scene ends followed by the normal TV production credits shown after Power. Obviously, that was the end of that show/episode which was an hour and 20 minutes long.

(UPDATE: 1/27/2020)
We've now seen that the leaked full episode was indeed the real episode this past week showing Tate's perspective. So is it safe to say that the leaked final episode is going to be the same shown this upcoming week? If so we will see Tasha and Tyriq's perspective both in the final episode... we will have to wait and see but most likely yes!?!? So we do know #WhoShotGhost but we won't spoil it for you... enjoy watching!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Zobe Shoes New Release - Zobe Heel Boots (for women)

Just as promised... Zobe Shoes has a second design that has been approved for production, is ready to launch, and it is currently available for purchase pre-order. Women can now obtain our Zobe Heel Boots.

If you didn't know by now, Zobe has obtained a new partnership with an Italian manufacturer and we've been working on our new shoe collection. Our first design, the unisex Basketball High Tops have already been pushed to production and is still available for purchase.

We have already begun designing additional shoes for men and women in a variety of other shoe types which we will release each pair individually so that pre-orders can be obtained before moving into production for each.

Zobe Shoes is a fast-fashion online retail destination serving customers worldwide. We strive to bring shoppers the trendiest styles, from design to concept, and straight to our customers’ doorstep.

Zobe Fashions has been bringing exceptional style to shoppers far and wide since our founding, created by international fashion designer Alonzo Black, and we don’t intend on stopping anytime soon. That is why we created the new Zobe Shoes collection.

Our vision is fast-paced, forward-thinking and fashion-centered at its core, and all of our products reflect these ideals. We invite you to browse through our site to find just what you have been looking for.

Order your pair today!

DeAnthony Yonko - I Wanna Know (Official Music Video)

"I Wanna Know" is the lead single from the EP "A Lonely Winter" by DeAnthony Yonko, which will be released on January 12th, 2020.

DeAnthony Yonko is a Recording Artist and songwriter from Nashville, TN coming to a stage, radio station, magazine, & TV near you after signing to Zobe Records!

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For Booking/Features Rates Contact:

Sunday, January 5, 2020

NEW MUSIC: AMEL D - "I'm Your Rain"

•Song Title: I'm Your Rain
•Song Description: Song by Asian Rock Singer called AMEL D
•Song Bio:
I'M YOUR RAIN is a first song from AMEL D's 2nd Single Album, Cross To Hell (2020).
Song-writer: AMEL D
Released Year: 2019
Genre: Alternative Rock
Length: 03:45
©2019 AMEL D
℗2019 MESA FRD

Song Url:
•Spotify Play:
•Youtube Music:

Social Media Handles:
•Official Website:

Email adress for Response: