
Entertainment Industry News and Tips

THE REAL DEAL “The Truth About The Music Industry” (Music Artists Must Read!)

Why is it that so many talented individuals in the DMV (Washington DC - Maryland - Virginia) Metropolitan region relocate because they believe that they have to do so in order to become successful in the entertainment, fashion, and music industry?   The Washington DC Metropolitan region is not able to compare itself to other regions such as Los Angeles, New York, Miami, and even Atlanta because of little to no collaborations between industry executives, media, and the government in the Washington DC Metropolitan area to help develop and establish the region to be more than just the Nation’s Capital but as also being a major power-house within the entertainment industry.  There is so much extraordinary raw talent in the DMV. There are some people and companies that are trying there best to push the industry forward in the region but they too are blinded by their own efforts and not strategically building business relationships but only pushing for their own success as an organization and ignoring those who reach out to lend a hand and collaborate.  

More people need to reach out to the Washington DC Metropolitan area’s top entertainment, fashion, and music industry executives, the media, and the government to bring them together to utilize all of their resources and connections to take the region to the next level which can be done a number of ways. However, it seems as if the industry executives in this area are self-centered and only concerned about enhancing their own businesses as opposed to enhancing the industry within this particular region. Those people who reach a small amount of success tend to let that give them a "big head" and they seem to then begin to show ignorance to others in the region with a belief that "they are now better than everyone else".

It has become so difficult to run your own business in this economy that most businesses are just doing what they have to in order to stay afloat. There also seems to be a lack of media that are supporting the industry within this region. If the media, magazines, newspapers, television, and radio covered more fashion, music, and entertainment events it would make a direct impact on enhancing the industry. Some media even portrays the entertainment industry in a negative light.

Shouldn't city councils, mayors and administrators can take action to build up this industry by offering tax breaks to the entertainment executives, grants and small business loans without restrictions, commercial property acquisition assistance, and other incentives which will all lead to the end result of creating more jobs for the community. Never forget where you came from!

1) Be on time!
2) Always be prepared!
3) Always look your best!
4) Be professional in everything that you do.
5) Don't feel pressured to do anything that you do not feel comfortable doing.
6) Make sure you get a modeling agreement or "release" signed before or after the shoot.
7) Never go anywhere alone if you don't feel comfortable. Take a buddy.
8) Make it as clear as possible on the exact types of jobs or assignments that you want to handle.
9) Always keep enough cash with you. Not every gig will be a paid one!(you never know if you will need to pay for parking, tolls, or for food on a long gig)
10) Try to communicate, with the photographer/agency/client, as much as possible. If he/she writes to you answer as quickly as possible.
11) Get adequate rest, especially if travel is involved.
12) Always remember that it takes a lot of work to be a professional and a successful model and you should be putting forth just as much, if not more, of an effort to enhance your career as anyone else working with you.
13) Try to keep up with styles, clothing trends, etc. and be sure to keep your portfolio updated with new looks etc.
14) Remember ... you won't become a model by sitting at home and waiting for agents to come to you.

How Do I Know A Possible Agency Scam?

* If they do not have talent photos on their website so you know who they currently represent.
* If they ask you or require you to shoot only with one photographer of their choosing.
* If they do not provide any references or have any previous client information on their website
* If they do not have an official website.(if they are only using Facebook, Myspace, or a free instant website builder then there is a problem)
* If they ask for over $100 (mandatory) in advance.
* If they tell you that you cannot join them unless you purchase comp cards or a photo-shoot from them.
* If they say they will be your manager... THEY ARE NOT AN AGENCY!!! It is a manager's job to place you with an agency and to take care of business related issues for you more on a day-to-day basis but they are not an agent. An agent and a manager are two very different entities!
* If they are taking more than 25% commission of your pay per assignment they are a scam.

How Do I Know That I Am With A Good Agency?

* If that agency provides work/opportunities for you and gives you casting information so that you can promote yourself within the industry. (Note: All work may not be paid and pay ALWAYS depends on the CLIENT... NOT THE AGENCY.)
* If agency does not make you pay monthly to be on their website.
* If agency is working hard to build their client database and promote their models and talent.
* If CEO is a well know and respected individual within the entertainment industry most likely they have a lot more to loose than your average person so they would not be trying to take advantage of anyone or take part in a scam.
* If the agency participates in various aspects of the entertainment industry (i.e. promotions, fashion design, photography) they wont hurt their business by running a scam. Something like that would destroy all of their other business.
* If the agency has been in business for more than 3 years and has never changed their name.
* If the agency's CEO and staff actually have more than 5 years experience in the entertainment, fashion, and modeling industry.
* If their agency fee is 25% or below they are good to work with.
* If you can actually speak with multiple references or current models/talents to see how they do business and you get good responses.