
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Waka Flocka (Live) @ DC Star Nightclub (4-15-2011)

This was definitely a night to remember and we almost missed the event for a number of reasons. Doors opened at 9pm. When we first arrived at the venue (around 10:30pm) we were greeted as we walked up by one of the promoters and they showed us to the media entrance to check in and they gave us wristbands and told us they had a VIP media suite for us. We ran into some other media folks and promoters that we knew and proceeded to security. This is when they searched our bags, equipment, and pat us down. We were then told by one of the other promoters to head inside to VIP. Before we got inside we were stopped by another member of security and were swiped by a metal detector. (we guess the first security guard didn't do a thorough enough job) Once inside another one of the promoters told us to stand in a line to be checked in and be given wristbands and then he disappeared inside the club. (we thought we just did that outside... but whatever) When we get to the front of the line we are told that we needed to have a second wristband to enter and we had to be on another media guest-list (which was not at the front door) so they sent someone to go get it. After being checked in on the second guest-list we were given another wristband and a media pass/credential. We were showed to the VIP media suite provided for us where there were a number of other media outlets setting up and getting prepared for the night's event. By this time it was about 11pm. The DJ was playing on and off for about 2 hours. (yes, we said on and off... we will explain that a little later)

So eventually we hear commotion coming from the stage as more and more people start pouring into the venue (most of them were stuck outside waiting in line to enter for a while) We hear a familiar voice speaking on the microphone and we knew "it must be Angie on the mic" as we hear none other than Angie Ange (93.9 WKYS radio) make an announcement that the concert was about to begin. Next we see a guy walk on stage followed by an entourage and he begins to hug Angie Ange and greet everyone else on stage. His jeans are low around his hips, he is wearing a "wife-beater" tank-top, and has a multi-colored skull cap on with dreads hanging out from underneath. It was who else but Fat Trel.

The next thing we knew the music stopped again... "whats going on" we repeatedly heard. We found out that the venue was having a power issue with the outlets on the stage. We thought "that's not good!" So after a brief wait without music and a couple more minor pauses they got the issue corrected. Good thing too because most people thought it was the DJ that was having issues because we are not sure if they switched DJs throughout the night but it sounded like when we first arrived the DJ was not performing at his best.

The lights dimmed and the concert began on the stage and at that very moment Waka Flocka enters VIP and the media go wild snapping pictures. Waka's security and team escort him through the VIP media suite to his private VIP suite where he has a drink and gets situated. Waka joins the media back in the media suit for more pictures and interviews until it was almost time for him to hot that stage. Waka Flocka seemed to be a very down to earth, funny, and "real" type of person. One encounter with Waka Flocka and you will know what we mean... he stays true to who he is.

Fat Trel hit the stage and the audience went wild... he performed a number of his hits and songs from his new mix-tape "April Fools". When it was time for Waka Flocka to hit the stage the fans were all warmed up and ready for a non-stop rock-star-like party. Dreads flying in the air, audience going crazy, the stage was packed, and jewelry was glistening! Now speaking of jewelry... Waka Flocka was sporting a pink diamond necklace chain of the pink panther, a pink diamond watch on his left arm that appeared to say "Waka", a pink diamond bracelet on his right arm, which appeared to say "Flocka", and a pink diamond pinky ring on his right hand. We could not forget that he was also wearing his Gucci backpack that he never separated with. During his performance on stage Waka Flocka even took his shirt off to show his tattoos and kept the Gucci backpack on.

Everyone rushed to the stage the moment Waka Flocka decided to jump off the stage into the audience to interact with the crowd. The performance had everyone out of their seats in VIP, at their tables, and dancing while chanting the lyrics of the songs. Waka Flocka performed a good amount of songs and the even went well. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. The word is that Waka Flocka will be returning again next month to perform so if you missed this one you may get a second chance.

1 comment:

  1. He has the sexiest lips. I think that's why I like to see him rap. Not listening to a word he's saying. I just like to watch his mouth move...; )
