
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Natalie Williams (Washington, D.C. Council Candidate) & Kenneth Flanagan (House of KAS) Sued? Sexual Abuse of a Minor?

Written By: 9 News Now ( & ABC 7 (

Natalie Williams, Washington, D.C. Council Candidate, Sued by Sharon and Tyrone Turner for Sexual Abuse of Teenage Daughter At Williams' Modeling Business

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WUSA) - The parents of a teenage girl have filed suit for sexual abuse against Natalie Williams, a candidate running for the D.C. Council, WTOP reports.

The parents say that their daughter was sexually abused while working for the candidate's modeling business in Prince George's County, according to WTOP.

Court documents indicate that Williams, a former press secretary to Ward 8 Council member Marion Barry, was a partner in Blitz Associates and House of KAS Collection. ( She is a candidate in Tuesday's Democratic primary, running to replace Barry on the Council.

The girl's parents, Sharon and Tyrone Turner, allege that over the course of several months in 2010, their 13-year-old daughter was sexually abused on numerous occasions at the modeling business.

Williams and her former partners, Kenneth Flanagan and Keosha Mitchell, are being sued for $1,000,000 in punitive damages by the girl's parents.

Flanagan, who uses the nickname KAS, pleaded guilty to one count of sexual abuse of a minor to avoid a trial and the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence, according to his attorney Kevin McCants, WTOP reports Flanagan in 1995 pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact to a murder in Montgomery County, according to McCants.

The Turners' lawsuit alleges that their daughter should have known about Flanagan's past and he should never have been left alone with a young girl.

Turner's daughter says it was common knowledge among other models that KAS had a criminal background, WTOP reports.

Williams is a former show producer at WUSA-TV 9.

On Monday night, Williams issued a statement:

"I would like to take just a moment to respond to the recent news stories that allege that a sexual abuse lawsuit has been filed against me personally and my business Blitz Associates. As of this writing, I have not received any official documentation regarding this matter, nor are there any official documents filed in Prince George's County or the District of Columbia to my knowledge.

Before I discuss the particulars of this matter, I would first like to acknowledge the thousands of residents in Ward 8 in which I have come to know and love over the years --- and today, have a desire to lead as their next City Councilwoman. I am completely saddened that such incomplete and factually incorrect information has been provided to members of the media by my detractors and a fellow council candidate. Additionally, as a former news journalist, I am also saddened that proper due diligence was not conducted and poor news judgment was made by the media before reporting on such a serious matter. Unfortunately, those members of the media who have opted to report this have aired on the side of sensationalism versus truths.

Over the years, my business has provided public relation/marketing services to an array of individuals and businesses which range in the fields of politics, non-profit, arts and entertainment, sports, and so forth. I have provided image development and crisis communication services to countless numbers of individuals who have faced challenges and adversities at some point in their personal lives and professional careers. I have used individual moral and professional judgment on which clients I have represented and the extent of my professional relationship with them- including our current Ward 8 councilman.

As it pertains to Mr. Kenneth Flanagan, owner of the House of KAS, I am in no way affiliated with him nor do I condone his past behaviors. I met Mr. Flanagan several years ago in a professional capacity in which he was in search of public relation services. I provided such professional services sporadically over the years. In 2010, a business opportunity presented itself at the National Harbor. Mr. Kenneth Flanagan contacted me to discuss a joint ownership of the House of KAS and public relations/marketing services towards the store's official grand opening. Discussions of joint ownership of the House of KAS were stalled due to our inability to reach satisfactory terms of an agreement. Furthermore, those discussions were later completely stopped upon learning of allegations of improper behavior with a minor facing Mr. Flanagan.

I want to make it very clear ... At no time, did I ever manage or work with the minor involved in Mr. Flanagan's legal matter. At no time, since its inception, has Mr. Flanagan been a partner in Blitz Associates. At no time, was I aware of Mr. Flanagan's prior criminal background. First, as a woman, and then as a mother of 10 year old daughter, I would never have knowingly allowed myself or anyone around me to be in danger or subjected to behaviors such as this. My personal and professional character and integrity is one that I hold very dear, and will not be compromised under any circumstances.

Tonight, I strongly encourage the residents of Ward 8 to not be distracted by those individuals who would prefer the status quo remain, or who enjoy the environment of mischief and negativity. Instead, I encourage you to rise above and remain focused on the future of Ward 8 and our collective need of new leadership and empowerment."

More on KAS:

More on this story from WTOP:

1 comment:

    (Kenny Kas Flanagan commented on

    I am disappointed because my business partner Kiosha Mitchell, Natalie Williams (Blitz Associates), my immediate family and staff have to deal with the constant reminder and mockery that I am now plagued with. They don't deserve this and I would appreciate it if you (the media) would leave them out of it. This is a situation that I have to deal with my family and GOD. If you want to do something pray for us so that we can get through this. Please respect my family members and my staff. Again they don't deserve this.

    For my friends, fans and supporters. Please know that I am the same person that you have known and love. I am not what they are saying on the media. I am positive and hard working businessman and my company KAS Collection Inc. strives on excellence, and providing a service that you can be proud of. My spirit has always been filled with love and happiness. If you see me or have ever met me I am always smiling and giving positive energy. Kiosha and I built this company up to be a powerful brand and clothing company and we will continue to do so with the help of the entire KAS Collection Inc. staff, family, and supporters.

    The National Harbor, has been more then a location for my company and they have been a great family and phenomenal support system. They have allowed me to live my dream and succeed in away I could not ever imagine. And I do not want their name to go down in vein for this inaccurate report from the media. They are a great company that has done great things here at the harbor and for me. The residents have been very supportive and I want to insure them that House of KAS is a store that you can be proud of and pleased to be associated with, here at the harbor.
