A music & entertainment publication that has a focus on the independent community. Teaching and educating the industry while exploring and navigating the entertainment industry as a whole. Within this necessity to the industry insider you will find everything you may want in a lifestyle magazine publication including but not limited to: music, fashion, technology, luxury, style, business/entrepreneurial, career tips, entertainment, celebrities, popular culture, and keeping you a step ahead!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Artist Submission: Duke "Trap Alive" (Mixtape)
Artist Name: Duke
Music Genre: Hip-Hop / Rap
Mix Tape: Trap Alive
Music Producer: Corey Miles Brown
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dukehov
Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/dukehov
Duke is an independent music artist/producer from Washington DC (USA) born Corey Miles Brown. He creates a variety of music ranging from Hip-Hop, R&B, instrumentals and more. Duke has received online radio play and has been featured on a number of blogs and websites. Duke is constantly trying to improve his skills and increase his fan-base. Duke has received exposure via radio in Great Britain, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Nigeria, and South Africa. Duke has been featured on Slip-N-Slide Records "On Da Grind", EAE Radio Campaign, Up And Coming Campaign, The Taylor X Experience, The Jopaul Experience, The "GRIND 365" Showcase, and Spin Reports. Duke has received airplay on FM (Clear Channel Major Markets), College Radio, On Demand, Sirius Satellite, AOL Music, Yahoo Music, MTV, MTV2, Napster, VH1, Live365, Shoutcast, and in Europe (Italy, France, Germany, London, UK, Spain).
If you are an artist looking to obtain a feature within Zobe Magazine be sure to: CLICK HERE
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