
Monday, November 27, 2017

Follow & Stream The Zobe Magazine Record Breaker Spotify Playlist (DMV Edition)

Follow & Stream The Zobe Magazine Record Breaker Spotify Playlist (DMV Edition)

(Listen to some of the hottest hit songs recently released by DMV artists & labels! Support the DMV! Forward and Share This Playlist!)

If you would like your song added to this magazine sponsored Spotify Playlist use the link below! Magazine will promote the playlist to help get all songs on the playlist more streams and account activity! Everyone who joins the playlist will market and promote the playlist. Yes, that is including you! The more people promoting the playlist the more streams that everyone can get and the more benefit that everyone on the playlist will receive! This group effort could bring your song significant streams and could bring more activity to your Spotify profile if people like your music. By purchasing this opportunity at the link below for $25 you agree to also promote the playlist with your song on it! You will also receive a post on online blog (send a photo and write up) as well as get your post shared to social media sites (Twitter/Facebook). On top of that, if you have a music video, you will get it featured on! It’s a no-brainer win-win situation all around! Start your promotional campaign today!


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