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Thursday, January 27, 2022
What To Never Do When Submitting Music To A Record Label
So what if you have a good song...
The beat and song structure are good. The music production is on point. The lyrics are decent and the delivery is nice.
But you make the ultimate rookie mistake...
The label has no clue who you are on the track and what you sound like...
Why is this you ask...
Well... because you did the one thing that an artist should never do when submitting music to a record label...
What is that you ask...
You sent the label a song that is featuring another artist!
If you are not submitting as a group/duo then never send a song with a feature to a record label unless it is featuring a well known celebrity artist that has a distinctive well known voice and style.
At this point, never hearing you before, the label doesn't know what you did on the track and what the featured artist did on the track. Then you also have the label comparing the artists on the track to see who is better and who they would rather work with.
When submitting to a label, the focus should always be on just yourself so the label can get a clear understanding of your sound/style/voice/persona etc.
Labels are looking for unique, original, and marketable talent so even if you did a track with another artist being featured, anyone listening should still be able to tell the difference between you and another artist because you should stand out and have identifying lyrics/style/sound.
For more tips and advise about the music industry, contact Zobe Records for a consultation today!
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